
AwfullyPups  > Dog Breeds >  Poodle

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Poodles are very common in Singapore.
They are athletic, agile, and run with grace.
Since they shed very little, they are the most hypoallergenic among all coated breeds, making them the safest choice for people with allergies.
They are very intelligent, highly trainable, and respond very well to their owners
However, being very smart, Poodles would need mental stimulation to be happy.
They pick up your patterns quickly and can anticipate your next move, which can be disconcerting to some owners.
Poodles expect their routines to always be the same, and they can get flustered if you make changes here and there.
Most Poodles are good watchdogs.
They bark at the strangers and are mostly non-aggressive.
They can mingle well with other dogs and cats.
With their soft nature, they tend to be highly emotionally sensitive and will bark at loud sounds that startle them.
Not ideal if you have rowdy neighbors.
Similarly, since Poodles are peace-loving dogs, they can get emotionally upset if there is too much conflict in the household.
Poodles should look “square”, with their legs long enough such that their height is about the same as their length.
Those who inherited a form of physical deformity called chondrodysplasia are more susceptible to disk disease.
and don’t have the same elegance or agility as square Toy Poodles.
Do watch out for it.
Poodles need regular exercise and a lot of daily companionships.
They suffer from loneliness and separation anxiety if left alone too much.
It can’t simply be ignored and would not be an ideal breed if nobody is at home for long periods.
Image source: @cocothetoypoo

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